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          (2/5)《高等动物10号》 90x60cm 2016年

          (3/5)《高等动物之静谧的丛林》 90x60cm 2016年

          (4/5)《高等动物之琵琶与女人》 90x60cm 2016年

          (5/5)《高等动物之自视》 90x60cm 2016年


          展览地点:[国外]-Market Street East上Bamburgh House的八楼-(Abject Gallery)
          主办单位:Abject Gallery

        展览城市:英国 - 纽卡斯尔

        预展时间:10月7日(星期五)晚上7:00 – 11:00

        Mao Kai’s painting embodies classic traits of the modern society of China; idealism, formed by a dynamic conflict of the conceptual gap between planned economy and market economy. Coming out of a career in the advertising industry, Kai is well versed in the pull between these two poles.


        Whilst advertising is said to be genetically related to art, as time goes by, the two have gone in opposite directions and Kai uses his reflections on this to inform the direction of his oil paintings. If the production of advertising is still connected to artistic skill, originality in advertising is the expression of art as concept.


        Whilst firmly based in the realm of Surrealism, Mao Kai purposefully downplays the often intense conceptual voice present in such a painting, preferring to express the conceptual side more subtly over series of works, as was favoured in the high-concept print advertising of previous decades.


        For his first UK exhibition, Mao Kai presents a series of new portraitures entitled Superior Animals.


        In this series of subtly surrealist depictions of dream like human/animal evolutions, Mao Kai pairs understated surrealism with a quite traditional language of technique to express the feelings of the common person under the current Chinese society. From this perspective, even though what or how he paints is often is rooted in classicism, there still exists a strong sense of modernist temperament.


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